Friday, September 11, 2009

Quirky kids are the best!

Wyatt never fails to crack me up.

The ice cream truck just came through our neighborhood, and as soon as Wy heard the music, he reacted like any typical almost 9 year old would. He started yelling "MOM!!! The Ice Cream truck, hurry up, we're going to miss it, c'mon, c'mon!!"

I grabbed my purse, and walked down to the end of the driveway with him to wait for the truck to come around the corner. We flagged it down, and he stopped at the end of our driveway and asked Wyatt kind of ice cream he wanted.

Wyatt looked at the truck and said "Oh, I'm sorry, this is the wrong kind of Ice Cream Truck. I only get Ice Cream from Ford trucks".

I laughed so hard I think I peed a little.

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