Friday, May 18, 2007

What A Drag It Is Getting Old...

I'm middle aged. There, I said it, I own it, and most of the time I'm ok with with it, but every once in a while something will happen to just piss me off to no end at the merciless, unstoppable march of time across my body!

See, I'm rapidly going white. That's right, not grey, WHITE. If I was blonde or light brown I could hide it with highlights, but when your natural color is pretty much black, and dark red is as light as you dare to go, the white really stands out.
Being the kitchen beautician that I am, I decided to get a root touch up kit to hide the white.
My roots picked up the color really well, but the white, not so much. So now, instead of looking like a dyed redhead with dark brown and white roots, I look like a natural redhead that's going white.

As if that wasn't bad enough, there's the whole being an almost 42 year old undergrad whose older than half her teachers!

I had Chemistry lab last week, and I really like the instructor. He's new to teaching, just out of grad school, and he's very patient, especially with me. He was able to give examples of things in a medical context, which made it much easier for me to understand, and for once in that soul crushing torture session of a class, I was actually getting it! He reminded me of my first husband, in the only good way possible - that really sweet, earnest, eager to please nerdy way that got him into my pants the first time. So anyway, I'm talking to him after lab, and telling him how much I appreciate his help, because Chemistry intimidates the hell out of me. He actually told me that when I first walked into class he was intimidated, because he was going to be teaching Chem to somebody old enough to be his mother!!! The Fucker's 28! He's only 12 years younger than me!!!

I looked him up and down and said - "You don't date much do you?" Then I laughed it off like I was teasing, but SHIT!!!!

I swear, one of these days I might just snap.

Of course then I'll be treated to my picture on the local news, with the headline
Middle Aged Mother Goes Berzerk! Is it Hormones? Story at 11...

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